Today many people continue to study Kung fu, for a variety of reasons: Self defense, Physical fitness, Mental discipline, even Spiritual enlightenment too.
Because of this variety, we do award belts, a common ranking systems might be white belts for beginners, followed by yellow, orange, green, blue, purple, brown ending with black belt for the most advanced students. We divided this ranking system to three levels, which is mentioned below.
Beginner Level:
White, yellow, orange and green belts indicate the beginning levels of training in kung fu, with students moving through those ranks in that order. Student at this level can expect to train on basic strikes, blocks, punches, kicks, stances and similar skills. It takes one year to progress through the beginning level of Kung fu training.
Intermediate level:
This level of training includes advanced level of strikes and stances, self defense combination, more difficult and complex forms and often teaching experience while for a junior students. From blue, purple, and brown belts indicates this level of training. Weapons training begin at the level of brown belt.It generally takes two years to progress through the intermediate level of Kung fu training.
Advanced level:
A Black belt indicates the advanced skill in Kung fu and is often and default qualification for teaching Kung fu. most student can earn their black belt after three to four years of dedicated training. but advanced degrees of blackbelt continue for the rest of a practitioner's life. Blackbelt level of training includes advance level of fighting techniques, weapons work, philosophical development and contribution to the art of Kung fu.